Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
Java Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Ant
3) Apache Common
4) Class Definition
5) Collections
6) Data Type
7) Database
8) Design Pattern
9) Development
10) EJB3
11) Email
12) File
13) Generics
14) Hibernate
15) Internationalization
16) J2EE Application
17) J2ME
18) JPA
19) JSP
20) JSTL
21) JUnit
22) Language
23) Log
24) Network
25) Operators
26) PDF
27) Reflection
28) Regular Expressions
29) Security
30) Servlet
31) Spring
32) Statement Control
33) Swing
34) Swing Event
35) SWT
36) SWT 2D Graphics
37) Thread
38) Web Services SOA
39) XML
1) -- must never appear in the text used to create the comment
2) A Class to Convert SAX Parse Information into an XML Document
3) A Content Handler to Output a Sorted List
4) A DOM Error Checker
5) A DOM Parse Tree Lister
6) A Method for Inserting a New Entry in a List
7) A Program to Display the Input from a SAX Parser
8) Access elements from document with namespaces
9) Accessing attributes of an element
10) Accessing character data (CDATA) of XML element
11) Accessing different types of DOM tree nodes
12) Accessing features of the SAX parser implementation
13) Add a comment at the beginning of the document
14) Add a new element to the given parent
15) Add a text node before the last child of the element
16) Add a text node in front of the new item element
17) Add a text node to the beginning of the element
18) Add a text node to the element
19) Add an entity to a specified Element
20) Add another element after the first child of the root element
21) Add Text object to an Element
22) Adding a CDATA Section to a DOM Document
23) Adding a New Entry to the End of a List
24) Adding a Processing Instruction to a DOM Document
25) Adding a Text Node to a DOM Document
26) Adding and Removing an Attribute in a DOM Element
27) An encoder for converting text to be used within XML attribute values
28) And now to attach an XSL
29) Append and insert data to CharacterData
30) Applying XSLT Stylesheets
31) Build a QName from the element name
32) Calling a NET Web Service
33) Catch TransformerException
34) Catch XMLStreamException
35) Change a particular node in XML
36) Changing the Name of a DOM Element
37) Checks whether the supplied String is an NCName (Namespace Classified Name)
38) Compare two DOM Nodes
39) Compare two DOM Nodes from JBoss
40) Configuring SAX parser factory to produce alternate parser
41) Convert node element To String
42) Convert NodeList To Node Array
43) Converting an XML Fragment into a DOM Fragment
44) Converting CDATA Nodes into Text Nodes While Parsing an XML File
45) Copies the source tree into the specified place in a destination tree
46) Copy an XML document
47) Copy the attribues on one element to the other
48) Copying a Subtree of Nodes from One DOM Document to Another
49) Copying a Subtree of Nodes in a DOM Document
50) Create a new element
51) Create a new element and move the middle text node to it
52) Create an XML document with DOM
53) Create an XML file and attach an XSL
54) Create Document with root QName
55) Create DOM Document out of string
56) Create Empty DOM Document
57) Create empty element from XMLStreamWriter
58) Create Namespace
59) Create New Container
60) Create new DocumentBuilderFactory
61) Create new DOM tree with fully qualified element names
62) Create New Element And Set Attribute
63) Create XML validator from XML schema
64) Create XMLStreamReader from XMLInputFactory
65) Creates a QName instance from the given namespace context for the given qualifiedName
66) Creating a new DOM tree
67) Creating an XML Document from a DOM Tree
68) Custom complex filters for selecting nodes
69) Debugging utilities for XmlStreamReader
70) Delete data from CharacterData
71) Deleting a Tree Node
72) Deleting an Attribute
73) Determining If an Attribute Was Supplied in a DOM Element
74) Document To String
75) DOM helper for root element
76) DOM Objects That Make Up the Parse Tree
77) Duplicating a Portion of the Tree
78) Edit Text by Insertion and Replacement
79) Editing by Using a Document Fragment
80) Editing the Text of a Node
81) Emitting a DOCTYPE Declaration When Writing an XML File from a DOM Document
82) Encode Xml Attribute
83) Escapes all necessary characters in the String so that it can be used in an XML doc
84) Extracting an XML formatted string out of a DOM object
85) Extracting attribute values from XML elements
86) Find All Elements By Tag Name Name Space
87) Find all elements with the name entry and append a comment
88) Find Element And Set Or Create And Set
89) Find Element Or Container
90) Find Element Or Create And Attribute
91) Find Element Or Create And Set Attribute
92) Find elements and add a child PI
93) Find the first text descendent node of an element
94) Finds and returns the first child element node
95) Finds and returns the first child node with the given name and attribute name, value pair
96) Finds and returns the first child node with the given qualified name
97) Finds and returns the last child element node
98) Finds and returns the last child node with the given name and attribute name, value pair
99) Finds and returns the last child node with the given qualified name
100) Finds and returns the next sibling element node
101) Finds and returns the next sibling node with the given name and attribute name, value pair
102) Finds and returns the next sibling node with the given qualified name
103) Formatting an XML file using Transformer
104) Generates a DOM from scratch Writes the DOM to a String using an LSSerializer
105) Generating SAX Parsing Events by Traversing a DOM Document
106) Get all prefixes defined on this element for the specified namespace
107) Get all prefixes defined, up to the root, for a namespace URI
108) Get all the attributes for an Element
109) Get an Attribute from an Element Returns an empty String if none found
110) Get and set value through XPath
111) Get Attribute
112) Get Attribute by QName
113) Get character data (CDATA) from xml document
114) Get Element Boolean Value
115) Get Element Date Value
116) Get Element Float Value
117) Get Element Int Value
118) Get Element Long Value
119) Get Element QName
120) Get Element String Value
121) Get Element Text
122) Get Elements by parent element
123) Get First Element
124) Get information as an XMLEvent object when using cursor approach
125) Get integer value
126) Get Next Element
127) Get substring from CharacterData
128) Get the first element child
129) Get the first text node associated with this element
130) Get the name of this element
131) Get the next sibling with the same name and type
132) Get the String data associated with the XPath selection supplied
133) Get the text node
134) Get the W3C Node instance associated with the XPath selection supplied
135) Get the W3C NodeList instance associated with the XPath selection supplied
136) Get this Documents root node
137) Getting a DOM Element by Id
138) Getting a Node Relative to Another Node in a DOM Document
139) Getting and Setting an Attribute in a DOM Element
140) Getting the Declared Entities in a DOM Document
141) Getting the Notations in a DOM Document
142) Getting the Root Element in a DOM Document
143) Getting the Value of an Entity Reference in a DOM Document
144) Handling namespaces during parsing
145) Handling SAX errors during parsing
146) Has Attribute
147) Ignorable Whitespace and Element Content
148) Ignoring Comments While Parsing an XML File
149) Implements EventFilter, StreamFilter
150) Insert a comment in front of the element node
151) Inserting a CDATASection Node
152) Inserting a Processing Instruction and Comment
153) Intercepting All Accesses to External Entities During XML SAX Parsing
154) JAXP 1 3 Datatype API
155) Listing All the Attributes of a DOM Element
156) Listing the Contents of Parse Tree Nodes
157) Locating a Node and Modifying Text
158) Locating a Node by an ID
159) Locating a Node by Using Siblings
160) Locating Elements by Tag Name
161) Marshal Java object to a file
162) Marshal Java object to xml and output to console
163) Methods to Insert a Processing Instruction and a Comment
164) Modifying Text by Cutting and Pasting
165) Move all children of the element in front of the element
166) Moves the content of the given element to the given element
167) Moving and Copying Attributes
168) Moving Nodes between Documents
169) New Document From InputStream
170) New Document From String
171) Normalize All of the Text in a Document
172) Output XML element Attributes
173) Parse an XML string
174) Parse with XPath
175) Parsing XML with a simple SAX document handler
176) Preventing Expansion of Entity References While Parsing an XML File
177) Print Tree node
178) Produce a SAX stream from a DOM Document
179) PropsToXML takes a standard Java properties file, and converts it into an XML file
180) Read an XML document using JDOM
181) Read XML as DOM
182) Read Xml from InputStream and return Document
183) Read Xml from Reader and return Document
184) Read Xml from StreamSource
185) Reading a DOM tree from XML document
186) Remove all attributes by first making a copy of the attribute names and then using the list to remove the attributes
187) Remove All nodes
188) Remove Attribute
189) Remove the element from parent
190) Remove this node from its parent
191) Removing a Node from a DOM Document
192) Removing All the Attributes in a DOM Element
193) Replace Data in CharacterData
194) Replacing a Tree Node
195) Resolving entities found in source XML during parsing
196) Return a list of named Elements with a specific attribute value
197) Return a NodeList
198) Return child elements with specified name
199) Return the first element child with the specified qualified name
200) Return the first named Element found Null if none
201) Return the next sibling with a given name and type
202) Return the right attribute node
203) Return the value of the attribute of the given element with the given name
204) Returns a first child DOM Node of type ELEMENT_NODE for the specified Node
205) Returns a list of value for the given node
206) Returns an iterator over the children of the given element with the given tag name
207) Returns the concatenated child text of the specified node
208) Returns the first element that has the specified local name
209) Returns the text of the element
210) Returns the value of the attribute of the given element
211) Returns the value of the child node with the given name
212) Saving a DOM tree to XML file javax xml parsers (JAXP)
213) SAX Error Checking
214) SAX parer with all its action displayed
215) Sax to DOM converter
216) Search an XPath
217) Search earlier siblings for a given node
218) Search our next siblings for a given node
219) Search up the tree for a given node
220) Set a namespaceprefix on an element if it is not set already
221) Set an Attribute in an Element
222) Set Attribute
223) Set Data to Character Data
224) Setting an Attribute
225) Simplified implementation of a Node from a Document Object Model (DOM)
226) Sniffed Xml InputStream to find out the declaration and file encoding
227) Sniffed Xml Reader
228) Source for the JAXP Transformation Application
229) Source for Transformation Application
230) Source for Transforming DOM Node to HTML with JAXP
231) Source for Transforming org w3c dom Node
232) Source To InputSource
233) Split the node at the beginning of the word
234) Start a new XML Document
235) Starting from a node, find the namespace declaration for a prefix
236) STAX cursor
237) StAX is a technology similar to SAX
238) Stax XML cursor read
239) Stax XML iterator read
240) Streaming XML Parser
241) Strip extra spaces in a XML string
242) The xjc Tool
243) The XMLReader interface
244) Transforming an XML File with XSL into a DOM Document
245) Traverse a DOM tree in order to print a document that is parsed
246) Traverse the DOM tree as a list
247) Traverse the DOM tree using TreeWalker
248) Use DOM L3 DOMBuilder, DOMBuilderFilter DOMWriter and other DOM L3 functionality to preparse, revalidate and safe document
249) Using ranges in DOM tree
250) Using XML locator to indicate current parser position
251) Using XMLEventFactory to create xml document
252) Using XMLStreamWriter to create XML file
253) Validate Stax
254) Visiting All the Elements in a DOM Document
255) Write DOM out
256) Write Xml (Node n, OutputStream os)
257) Writing a DOM Document to an XML File
258) Writing Only the Text of a DOM Document
259) Xml Encoding Sniffer
260) Xml Reader To Writer
261) XMLEventReader and XMLEventWriter for Stax XML parser
262) XMLEventReader Demo
263) XMLOutputFactory
264) XMLSchema Mapping Annotations
265) XMLStreamReader with events
266) XMLStreamWriter
267) XMLStreamWriter Demo
268) XPath evaluate(schedule@seriesId)